Wainestock 2023 is happening August 18-20 at the Volunteer Park Amphitheater!

Contact Joseph Waine for more information about location, times, and any other details.

As an independent festival, we're always open to volunteers or helping hands! If you're interested in volunteering, send us a message at joe.waine@gmail.com - just mention something about volunteering in the subject line. Thanks!

what people are saying about Wainestock:

i surveyed the community and asked them a bunch of questions about wainestock.
here are the gracious answers I received :)

question: how would you describe the "feel" of wainestock

"Wholesome" - lauren rodriguez, performer
"Magical!! Everyone feels like a friend at Wainestock! It’s is a really relaxed vibe that also brings a ton of excitement form set to set!" - brooklynn castellanos, volunteer
"Warm, joyful, friendly" - dena, performer and volunteer
"Welcoming. Relaxing. Pleasant. Vibrant." - robert borrego, performer and volunteer
"Supportive community, laid back, welcoming" - teri rakusin, attendee
"A basement show in a lovely park setting with contemporary ren-faire vibes." - brennen, attendee
"Wholesome, positive, happy" - nate hoe, attendee
"Super chill vibes." - kara, performer and volunteer
"Wholesome, chill, local" - koji, volunteer
"free" - jesse miller, performer and volunteer
"free, open, family, community, safe, entertaining, educational, artistic" - tom moskal, attendee
"Dreamy" - leah, attendee
"Open fun fair" - ryan mortensen, performer and volunteer
"Feels very welcoming. Chill. Supportive crowd - almost has a small town vibe" - rachel, attendee
"Late summer cottagecore" - greg, attendee
"Realllll chill, warm, fun in the most innocent way." - onna, attendee
"Groovy" - liz, attendee
"See above!" - ziam downey, performer
"fun, breezy, picnic" - cam hancock, performer
"I wouldn’t want to miss it. I feel like it is my Seattle Summer. It is the perfect Seattle Summer event." - erin, volunteer and attendee
"feels like home." - spencer sult, performer and volunteer

question: what is your favorite thing about wainestock?

"It’s outside, beautiful and welcomes community and encourages/supports the arts far and wide" - jackie canchola
"The warm community gathering" - lauren rodriguez, performer
"Really amazing local music in the park, gathering of community" - brooklynn castellanos, volunteer
"An accessible music festival for all to enjoy" - dena, performer and volunteer
"Laid back vibes, different genres of mostly local artists" - robert borrego, performer and volunteer
"The friendly and relaxed atmosphere that is welcoming to all." - teri rakusin, attendee
"Immensely positive feelings about community and music. A great way to discover new artists and meet new people in a positive and welcoming setting" - brennen, attendee
"All the music." - nate hoe, attendee
"It’s an amazing event that brings the community together" - kara, performer and volunteer
"The Music" - koji, volunteer
"safe, free, friendly, outdoors, surprising talents" - jesse miller, performer and volunteer
"Highlighting local artists and getting to hear new music in a beautiful outdoor setting!" - tom moskal, attendee
"Community vibes. Great music. Uses a great venue that is very under utilized by the city" - leah, attendee
"Love the location and the vibe" - ryan mortensen, performer and volunteer
"The summery laid back vibes" - rachel, attendee
"location, accessibility, bubbles" - greg, attendee
"The festival is just really chill and approachable for everyone. It’s not too loud or busy, it’s just a wholesome and good time." - onna, attendee
"The hippie toys like bubble wands and juggling sticks or hackie sacks" - liz, attendee
"It’s such a great activity for all ages on a summer’s eve! Fun for the whole family and the artists that perform are just fantastic" - ziam downey, performer
"the joy and sense of community and fun!" - cam hancock, performer
"The park, the vibes, the games and the people." - erin, volunteer and attendee
"bringing community together" - spencer sult, performer and volunteer

what makes wainestock unique?

"In these days with the city becoming so expensive it’s an insane effort to throw an event that takes so much work and organizing just for the good of the community. There are plenty of music festivals but all of them are built on a model of capitalizing off of attendees and its performers And this one supports community attendance far and wide no matter what income or accessibility bracket you may be at" - jackie canchola
"Wainestock is unique because it is comprised of a diverse group of local artists that are all participating for the love of music and their community. Everyone feels like a friend at Wainestock!! The yard games are inclusive to all. Everyone feels welcome." - lauren rodriguez, performer
"Creative and outsider local artists coming together to create a beautiful community event" - brooklynn castellanos, volunteer
"It’s accessibility to the community. It is done out of passion for music and bringing people together, rather than being driven by money and business." - dena, performer and volunteer
"It’s a DIY show but over the course of 3-days—pretty impressive feat!" - robert borrego, performer and volunteer
"The handmade, crafted nature of all the artwork and set/state design, and the glue that holds it all together, Joe Waine!" - teri rakusin, attendee
"It's hosted in a beautiful city park but still feels so DIY and community-driven—because it is!" - brennen, attendee
"The collection of different people and music all coming together and hanging in the park." - nate hoe, attendee
"It’s a true DIY festival that stands out among the other prohibitively expensive, corporate, “cool” music festivals in town" - kara, performer and volunteer
"The volume of great music" - koji, volunteer
"artists from all backgrounds, free, it feels hidden and is small!" - jesse miller, performer and volunteer
"Non corporate art event in Seattle far too rare" - tom moskal, attendee
"There isn’t any non corporate event centered on local music community" - leah, attendee
"The atmosphere. Has the warmth and intimacy of backyard house show in the beauty of volunteer park!" - ryan mortensen, performer and volunteer
"The bubbles" - rachel, attendee
"location/accessibility" - greg, attendee
"It’s feels really intimate. Just some local small bands, a lot of the bands/attendees know each other. It feels small and special and homey." - onna, attendee
"Joseph waine of course he is a truly unique soul" - liz, attendee
"It feels like a tight knit community but also so welcoming and warm." - ziam downey, performer
"that it's fully donation based and artist run" - cam hancock, performer
"It is my favorite summer festival in Seattle, hands down. It’s free and an open space for people to enjoy their days to good music and nice people/dogs/+++." - erin, volunteer and attendee
"non pretentious and brings a wide variety of people together" - spencer sult, performer and volunteer

how do you think grant funds could be best utilized to enhance the festival?

"Paying the organizers, artist’s participation, to keep it accessible to the community" - jackie canchola
"Currently Joe Waine pays for all food vendors, talent, and outdoor games out of pocket. It would be great to help him better financially support local talent and provide more activities for all ages to participate in. It would also be amazing to get more promotion so more community members can enjoy this amazing event!" - lauren rodriguez, performer
"It’s an amazing community event that happens each year. But it’s potentially not sustainable without funding by grants? The funds will help pay for the stage, sound crew and equipment, the performers, and any other extra surprises" - brooklynn castellanos, volunteer
"Paying for PA equipment, staff and bands" - dena, performer and volunteer
"More promotion/advertising for festival" - robert borrego, performer and volunteer
"Perhaps the funds could be used to help pay musicians to keep ticket costs low and the event accessible to all." - teri rakusin, attendee
"More pay for artists is always a plus, perhaps more promotion budget as well" - brennen, attendee
"I think it would help Joe cover the cost of putting on such a great festival for the community." - nate hoe, attendee
"More money for the bands, amenities like food and drinks, additional staff, promotion" - kara, performer and volunteer
"Paying Bands" - koji, volunteer
"security? (although i did not feel this has been needed). maybe sponsors?" - jesse miller, performer and volunteer
"Advertising and getting the word out" - tom moskal, attendee
"Pay for sound equipment and bands so it’s not a financial burden on the person putting it on" - leah, attendee
"Provide funding for local performance, dance, and visual artists to enhance the festival feel and broaden the audience. I imagine some interactive activities could be really engaging and could happen throughout the day." - ryan mortensen, performer and volunteer
"For beefing up the stage production, marketing, even security for the performers instruments" - rachel, attendee
"more diversity in demographics of performers! to make it more of a true inclusive ‘community’ event i think continuing to promote diversity within performers would be important." - greg, attendee
"Paying performers! It’s just important. Also more of the fun little side activities like the bubble wands and such, those are always fun when you need a break from sitting and watching, or something to do between sets." - onna, attendee
"Paying performers and more hippie toys" - liz, attendee
"Payment to artists would be awesome, also more advertising to let more folks know about this wonderful event" - ziam downey, performer
"paying artists and promotion" - cam hancock, performer
"Always great to pay the event for things like musical equipment and great sound systems. It does get dark so lights would be helpful. Obviously paying staff and bands would always be helpful but I hope that’s a given at this point." - erin, volunteer and attendee
"payment to artists and more decor/lighting" - spencer sult, performer and volunteer